Director General Karachi Development Authority Altaf Gohar Memon made an emergency visit to various departments in Civic Center KDA.
Director General Karachi Development Authority Altaf Gohar Memon made an emergency visit to various departments at the KDA headquarters in the Civic Center. On the occasion of the visit, warning letters were issued to the absent departmental officers on the orders of the Director General KDA. It should be noted that Director Land Asif Raza Chandio, Director Planning and Urban Design Shahabuddin Mangi, Director IT Jamil Ahmed, Director Admin Engineering Salmanullah Sharafat and Kamal Siddiqui have been issued warning letters for absence during office hours. DG KDA expressed his anger over the absence of Director IT and Director Land and said that they should ensure their attendance during office hours. Absence of departmental officers during office hours is not acceptable in any way. Such unprofessional behavior has no place in Karachi Development Authority. He further said that no office action should be taken on any file in IT Department and Recovery Department without the signature of Director Land. Such steps should be taken so that the tenants do not face any kind of problem during the month of Ramadan. The holy month of Ramadan is for all of us, but the officers and employees should ensure their attendance during office hours from 10 am to 4 pm. DG KDA Altaf Gohar Memon spoke to the tenants present during his visit to the Land Department. The tenants informed DG KDA about the problems faced by them, on which taking immediate action, DG KDA issued instructions to the concerned officers to take urgent steps to resolve the complaints of the tenants. He further said that unnecessary obstacles should be removed for speeding up office affairs as well as for improvement. In case of further complaints, departmental action will be taken against the concerned officer. Later, during a visit to the Recovery Department, he issued orders to Director Recovery Behzad Aamir Memon to find new sources to increase recovery and take steps to improve administrative matters. During a visit to the Finance and Accounts Department, he issued instructions to the officers of the Pension Department to ensure timely payment of pension to pensioners every month, no negligence or negligence will be tolerated in this regard. Finally, during a visit to the Estate and Enforcement Department, the DG KDA ordered all officers and employees to adhere to office hours and ensure attendance. During the visit, the DG KDA was accompanied by Member Administration Shakeel Siddiqui, Secretary KDA Arshad Khan and other officers.
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