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Director General KDA Syed Muhammad Ali Shah, Special Secretary Technical Local Government Department/Project Director Mega Mr Tufail Palejo and DG Technical Services KMC Syed Azhar Shah jointly visited

Director General KDA Syed Muhammad Ali Shah, Special Secretary Technical Local Government Department/Project Director Mega Mr Tufail Palejo and DG Technical Services KMC Syed Azhar Shah jointly visited and monitored the physical progress of the development schemes pertaining to District West and Central being carried out under Annual Development Programme 2022-2023 of Sindh Government, exexuted by KDA, KMC and PD Mega.Member Finance KDA Syed Shujaat Hussain, Superintending Engineer KDA Abdul Muttalib Mannan, Superintending Engineer KDA Tariq Rafi, Executive Engineer Junaid Ahmed and other officers present during the visit.

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